Category Archives: 1998

1998 – Oktoberfest 1998 Review

Sat, 09/21/2013 – 21:13 — dgmccown

   The Six Flags ex-employees made their first public appearance the weekend of October 3rd and 4th at the Fort Worth Oktoberfest. The event served as both a membership drive for the organization and as a fund raiser.

     Our booth was located near the middle of the convention center. The booth was well decorated with TWO original Six Flags Spee-Lunkers, the Organ pumper and a Skier. In addition, we had the original treasure chest from the cave in which we displayed our prizes.

     We also had a display board on loan from Six Flags with large pictures of park rides. The highlight of the booth was a videotape provided by the park which contained   footage of virtually all of the park rides from 1961, including opening day ceremonies, to the 1974 addition of the Music Mill. We showed the tape all day long, each day, and it drew a lot of comments.

      We sponsored a game for children in which the child reached into a large treasure chest (hand-crafted by our leader Alan Reynolds) and removed a ping pong ball. Based on the color of the ball, the child won a small price. The kids seemed to enjoy the game and we had some good prizes.

     We had approximately 667 players and earned $338.50. In addition we earned $87.50 in advance ticket sales. These funds are going to be used to defer our expenses and start our charitable fund.

     Approximately 35 individuals signed up to join the group, about 5 of those are already signed up on Alan’s board, giving us about 30 new members. Also numerous people took the forms and information sheets to fill in later or to give to other family members that worked in the park. We visited with a lot of “X”s and had a good time.

      Our planned reunion at the Oktoberfest was prevented by the large crowds in the auditoriums. We simply couldn’t find a place for everyone to sit together. Those of us that got together had a very good time visiting. I am afraid, however, that no one else could find us. I apologize to anyone that tried to find the reunion but couldn’t.


Thanks to all that helped out:

  •  Alan Reynolds  –   SFX President
  •  Renee Reyees
  •  David Mosby
  •  Dan and Donna Whittington
  •  Lloyd and Jean Jones
  •  Karen and Sam Trammell
  •  Ron Hall
  •  Jim and Patty Brothers (loaned one Spee-lunker)
  •  Jay Thomas (loaned another Spee-lunker)  

    We still are looking forward to a big reunion for next year. Tell all of your friends to sign on now. We need a large mailing list.

Davis McCown
Oktoberfest Coordinator